Geolocate events , services, offers, cultural and sports activities.

Do not go around in circles knowing where to go !

Target the activity that interests you!

Be informed, in real time , of events about your favorite places.

Report Your Outings ... Create an event on the BALAAD social network!

The access to the site and application is totally FREE!

Improve your visibility : Create your event bubbles on your city map ... they will be visible to everyone!

Boost your attendance

Create offers and events in real time .

Attract attention, direct people to your institution.

Customers can bring more people to your home, thanks to our participative space.

Join discussions regarding your event in The Village.

Offers starting at 4 € !


A venue publishes an event that appears instantly on the BALAAD map of the world in the form of bubbles.

Then on, everyone can see the Bubbles, geolocate them and comment on them .

You can refine your search according to your desires (Eat, Drink, Clubber, get a hair cut, find an apartment or a job !). We propose you

Balaad Event : Events and outings

Balaad Care : Hair, beauty-care and well-being

Balaad Immo : Real Estate

Balaad Vente : Purchases of all kinds

Balaad Vacances : Holiday activities

Balaad Job : Job offers

Dialogue bubbles will appear everywhere on the map to help you make your choice (Content of the menu of the day, Theme nights, Events schedule).

Receive Push Alerts on your Smartphone to be notified of an event about a particular place

It is a dialogue bubble that appears on the map and contains information about the event that a venue wishes to promote.

Clicking on the event will bring up the discussion thread and details about the venue.

This is a real-time alert that will be received by users who have targeted an activity and are looking for a particular location.

This is a video link that allows a venue to present its event or to give one foretaste. It allows you to be creative and make your presentation more alive.

BALAAD gives you the opportunity to greatly improve the visibility of your activity and remind everyone of your services and location !

By registering in PRO SPACE you will be able to report your events (Special evenings, Events, menu of the day, Concerts, Offers, ...).

They will then appear on the map in the form of dialog bubbles as soon as someone will target the area of your activity.

Thanks to the social space "The Village" , users of the BALAAD interface can even advise your place to other people , as soon as you have positioned a "Bubble".

No! When you subscribe to an offer you have a number of guaranteed publications (depending on the formula).

However , if you want additional publications or with different options, you can do this in the "One-off Publication" space.

It will not affect your plan and gives you more freedom!

Yes ! You are free to view and delete any comments that concern the event you have posted.

No worries ! BALAAD currently covers more than 250 cities in 55 countries.

We are adding new cities on a very regular basis.

This allows us to best ensure that a user does not open an account by usurping the name of your institution.

Balaad 's Community

Discover places, share new experiences and allow yourself to be surprised by life !

The Village

Pro Sign Up

Pro Account

Promote in real time

Create offers and events in real time & Boost your attendance with Offers starting at 4 € !

Creator Sign Up

Creator Account

Interact with events

Geolocate events, services, offers, cultural and sports activities. Choose the activity that interests you !



Chat on the map

Share your experience in real time. Give people the desire to join you!

The Village

Take part in the events around you and draw people to where you are !

Balaad Pro Offers

Balaad allows any type of venue to promote events in real time.

See offers»

How it works

A venue publishes an event on the map and everyone can see it and interact !

Read the FAQ »

The App

Balaad is available on AppStore and PlayStore! Enjoy the advanced features on your SmartPhone.

Download the App »

Video Guided Tour

Here we guide you in video so that your Balaad experience is optimal !

See the videos »

The Social Network

Geolocate, see events in real time, participate in conversations ... Welcome to the Village !

To the Village »

The Creators' Ranking

Each registered user can be rated by the other members and a world ranking, by country and city is established !

See the ranking »


Pro Registration

Creator Registration

Terms of use

Copyright © Balaad 2018